September 16, 2024

Every dog ​​has its day – but some have more years than others. Now research has revealed that small, long-nosed breeds are the best dogs, while flat-faced ones are at greater risk of dying early.

Once size, face shape and gender were taken into account, researchers found that small, long-nosed females tended to have the longest lifespans among purebreds, with a median of 13.3 years.

However, breeds with flat faces – a trait that has become fashionable in recent years – had an average lifespan of 11.2 years, and a 40% increased risk of shorter lives than dogs with medium-length snouts, such as spaniels.

“While previous research has identified sex, facial shape and body size as contributing factors in canine longevity, no one has examined the interaction between the three or the potential link between evolutionary history and lifespan,” says Dr Kirsten McMillan, first author of the research of the charity Dogs Confidence.

Write in the journal Scientific ReportsMcMillan and colleagues report how they analyzed data on 584,734 purebred and crossbred dogs—of which 284,734 died—collected from 18 organizations, including rehoming and welfare organizations, breed registries and pet insurance companies.

Considering all breeds and cross-breeds, the team found that the average lifespan of dogs was 12.5 years, with female dogs living slightly longer than males.

To dig deeper, the team looked at dogs from 155 purebreds, and found that larger dogs tended to have shorter lives than smaller dogs, while the length of a breed’s nose also mattered.

Indeed, while miniature dachshunds had a median lifespan of 14 years, the figure was 9.8 years for French bulldogs. Experts have long said that brachycephalic breeds tend to a abundance of health problemsincluding breathing problems and skin problems.

However, it’s the huge and furry Caucasian Shepherd that seems to be the underdog, with an average lifespan of just 5.4 years.

The team also found that the average lifespan for purebreds was longer than for crossbreds, 12.7 years and 12 years respectively, a result that contradicts the idea that crossbreds may be healthier because they have greater genetic diversity.

However, they were unable to consider different types of crossbreeds, meaning that data for dogs of unknown parentage were combined with data from “designer” mixes such as the labradoodle that may have a lot more inbreeding, potentially muddying the waters.

Chart of dog breeds’ median ages at death

While the team did not have data on how the dogs died, they hope the study will prompt others to unpick the risk factors behind the variations in lifespan. McMillan noted the differences were likely due to a complex mix of biological factors, such as body shape and genetics, as well as environmental factors, including diet, exercise and training.

“Overall, these results help potential owners, breeders, policy makers, funding bodies and welfare organizations to make informed decisions to improve the welfare of companion dogs,” she said.

“But more specifically, I think it presents an opportunity for us to improve the lives of our canine companions.

“We identify groups that desperately need attention, so we can zone in on these populations and work out what the problem is.”

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