September 8, 2024

More than half of British girls don’t feel confident learning maths, while two-fifths feel unsure about science, according to a report which highlights a “disturbing” gender confidence gap in schools.

Research by the education charity Learn first found that 54% of girls lacked confidence in maths compared to 41% of boys, but the gap was even wider in science, where 43% of girls lacked confidence compared to 26% of boys.

The findings are based on the results of a YouGov poll of 1,000 young people aged 11 to 16 ahead of International Women’s and Girls’ Day in Science on Sunday.

Despite feeling less confident, girls often outperform boys in Stem subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) at GCSE, with a higher percentage achieving top grades – although fewer girls then take these subjects at A-level take and continue Voice careers.

The results have prompted warnings that poor gender diversity will exacerbate the skills shortage currently facing the tribal sector, and Teach First is calling for more high-quality, specialist teachers to help inspire the next generation in these fields.

In 2020, women made up less than 30% of the UK’s core workforce, while the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) warned of a shortage of more than 173,000 workers – the equivalent of an average of 10 unfilled roles per business.

Teach First, which trains high-quality graduates to teach in schools in challenging areas, is calling for an increase in pay for trainee teachers to encourage Stem professionals to teach to ease some of the shortages . Many schools are struggling to recruit teachers, especially for maths, computers and physics.

Teach First’s Chief Impact Officer, Amy Mitchell, said: “It is very worrying that too few children feel confident about studying science and maths, with too many girls in particular being left behind.

“Girls are just as capable as boys when it comes to maths and science, but this confidence gap poses a huge threat to the UK’s future, lacking skills that are desperately needed to drive economic growth and tackle the big problems we face , such as helping tackle climate. alter.”

She said an increase in pay for trainee teachers is urgently needed to encourage more people to become Tribal teachers, especially in low-income areas where it is even more difficult to recruit specialist teachers.

Sylvia Jolly, a Teach First trained science teacher at Robert Clack School in Dagenham, Essex, said: “Empowering more girls to take up Stam and excel in the field will greatly benefit all Stam scientists. This will ensure that the workforce is empowered to work together.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Education (DfE) said bursaries worth up to £30,000 were offered to attract the brightest and best Tribal teachers.

“We continue to promote Tribal subjects and drive participation, especially among girls,” they said.

“This includes investing £100 million to improve computing teaching and participation at GCSE and A-level, alongside targeted initiatives to boost the uptake of maths, physics, digital and technical education by girls and among under-represented groups.

“In addition, we are introducing the new Advanced British Standard (ABS) which will see every student in England studying some form of maths and English until the age of 18.”

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