September 16, 2024

Earlier today I gave you three examples of a word puzzle that illuminates one of the blockbusters of theoretical computer science. (To read about this result, the PCP statementplease check out the original post.)

In the puzzle, crossword-style clues each point to a vertical column. The answer to each clue is a three-letter word, made up of the three letters to which the clue refers.

The point of these puzzles is that you can solve them in whole or in part. (As explained in the original post.) Below are the puzzles, and complete solutions.

Problem 1


Problem 2


Problem 3


Today’s puzzles are adapted from the work of Dana Moshkovitz, professor of computer science at the University of Texas at Austin. You can read an article she wrote about the PCP statement here.

I hope you enjoyed today’s puzzles. I’ll be back in two weeks.

I’ve been doing a puzzle here on alternate Mondays since 2015. I’m always on the lookout for great puzzles. If you want to suggest one, email me.

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