October 18, 2024

An early warning system designed to detect and track predatory Asian hornets using artificial intelligence has been unveiled by experts from a British university.

Researchers from the University of Exeter have invented a system that draws horns to a monitoring station. They land on a sponge cloth impregnated with food and an overhead camera captures images.

AI detects whether they are Asian hornets, which are an existential threat to the UK’s bees. If it’s Asian horns, it sends an alert to the operator’s phone or computer.

Once the hornet has discovered a seemingly safe food source, they will likely return and a team will be able to track the Asian hornet back to its nest.

Asian Hornets (Vespa velutina) have already invaded much of continental Europe and last month it emerged that they may have become established in the UK after the earliest ever sighting of the insect has been recorded.

They sit outside honey bee hives and catch bees as they go in and out. Just one Asian hornet can hunt and eat 30 to 50 honey bees a day.

The invention by the Exeter researchers, called VespAI, could be a game changer, as it is essential to detect the arrival of Asian hornets to an area early before new queens are produced, as once they are established, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. The aim is to keep the cost of components below £100 so the device can be widely used.

Horns land on a sponge cloth impregnated with food inside the device and an overhead camera captures images. Photo: see caption

“Our aim was to develop something cost-effective and versatile, so that anyone – from governments to individual beekeepers – could use it,” says Thomas O’Shea-Wheller, from the Institute of Environment and Sustainability at the university’s Penryn campus in Cornwall . “This study tested a prototype version, and the results were encouraging.”

Currently, the UK response strategy depends on people seeing, identifying and reporting Asian hornets, but the vast majority appear to be cases of mistaken identity. Typically, less than 1% of alleged Asian hornet sightings turn out to be correct.

VespAI uses a compact processor—in effect, a small computer—to operate, and remains dormant unless its sensors identify an insect within the size range of a hornet.

If this happens, the system activates the AI ​​algorithm, which analyzes the image to determine if it is an Asian hornet. If an Asian hornet is detected, the monitor sends an alert to the user.

Dr Peter Kennedy, who worked on the project, said: “The majority of reports submitted are misidentified native species, meaning the agencies have to manually validate thousands of images each year.

“In some parts of Europe, detection relies on hornet trapping – but such traps kill many native insects, and have little effect on Asian hornet numbers. VespAI ensures that live wasps can be traced back to the nest, which is the only effective way to destroy them.”

Track crews can find the nest by looking in which direction they fly away. By repeating this from other nearby locations, the likely location of the nest can be estimated by triangulation.

The system was tested on the island of Jersey, which experiences a large number of Asian hornet invasions. Thousands of images of Asian hornets and other insects were collected and the AI ​​learned to identify Asian hornets based on color, size and morphology.

This year, the team will begin to deploy additional prototypes in collaboration with the British government, the National Bee Unitthe British Beekeepers Association and the company Vita Bee Health.

A paper on the device, titled “VespAI: a deep learning-based system for detecting intruding horns”, is published in the journal Communication Biology.

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