September 20, 2024

Tits total solar eclipse, visible in parts of Mexico, the US and Canada yesterday, was experienced in the UK only as a “small pasture” (that’s what the astronomers call it), and then only in the north and west of the country. Fortunately, I went to Lewis in the Outer Hebrides for the 2015 eclipse, where coverage was 98% and people (not just me) traveled from all over the country for it.

It was news to me that people even existed who were in eclipses like that. In other news: it doesn’t even have to get that dark to fill “eclipse-heads” with wonder, and it didn’t – it just looked like a sad, wintry day. People speak of eclipse winds, whipping up without notice and going in strange directions; It wash quite windy, but that was normal for March. I heard told that animals adopt an expression of intense concentration – some call it wonder – and I could not confirm this, because there were only dogs there and not enough of them (two). But fair play, there are never enough dogs for me somewhere.

I was so out of touch with the rest of the crowd that at one point they talked about how they felt connected to all people throughout history, bound to the past by the beautiful mysteries of the universe, while I wondered why not enterprising person thought of setting up a burger van at the Callanish stones. Okay, okay, wait until after the eclipse! But imagine how different this scene would be if it smelled like bacon.

Even so, if I had my time again, I’d do the exact same thing, talk to the exact same people, with only very small adjustments – I’d eat breakfast first, maybe read a little more ahead, so I’m not Me not so overwhelmed and take my own dog in a pinch. The best thing about eclipses is how much the people who like them like them. I doubt I’m the first person to notice this. I can even feel the specter of a connection with other eclipse skeptics, down through the ages. If you were in Mexico yesterday, I’m sure you’ll agree I was right.

Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist

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