September 19, 2024

The smallest known great ape was discovered in Germanydating back to 11m years ago.

The tiny creatures, much smaller than any other great ape on record, were estimated to have weighed 10 kg (1st 8 pounds), about the size of a human toddler. The species, named Buronius manfredschmidiis an ancient hominid, part of the ancestral family that gave rise to modern humans, gorillas and chimpanzees.

“This new genus is much smaller than any living or any fossil hominid,” said Prof Madelaine Böhme, a palaeontologist at the University of Tübingen, who led the research. “That makes it quite unusual.”

Another surprising element is that the newly discovered species is believed to have coexisted with another, much larger hominid called Danuvius guggenmosi. Fossil remains of the greater ape had previously been dated to the same period at the same fossil site in Bavaria.

The new miniature ape is represented by partial remains of two teeth and one kneecap, the size and shape of which suggest that Buronius was an accomplished climber. The thin enamel and light wear on its teeth indicate that it ate a diet of soft fruits and leaves. Its small size would have allowed it to live high up in the canopy. In contrast, Danuvius was much taller and sturdier, is thought to have been an omnivore, and some argue that load-bearing adaptations in its knee joints provide evidence of a primitive form of bipedalism.

The differences in lifestyle probably allowed the two species to share a habitat without competing for resources, similar to modern gibbons and orangutans in Borneo and Sumatra. The discovery could help scientists understand the diversity of hominids during the late Miocene period, when at least 16 species of great ape were present in Europe.

Böhme said it’s unclear how Buronius became so much smaller than other hominids, but one possibility is that its size allowed it to occupy a different ecological niche than its larger neighbor. Another possibility is that Buronius represents a more ancestral version of great apes.

“It’s hard to say why there are no small hominids today,” she said. “In evolutionary lineages you usually start small and get bigger, and [once you’re bigger] you don’t normally go back.”

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The findings are published in the journal Plos One.

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