September 16, 2024

The prospect of a green energy source based on the power of the stars received a boost after scientists set a world record for the amount of energy created by fusing atoms together.

Researchers at the Joint European Torus (JET), an experimental fusion reactor at the Culham Center for Fusion Energy in Oxfordshire, generated 69 megajoules of energy over five seconds from a mere 0.2 milligrams of fuel in the final fusion experiment conducted at the facility.

The burst of energy, equivalent to 16.5 kg of TNT, was described as a “fitting swansong” for the project, which has pioneered technology for future commercial fusion reactors since it began operating in 1983. This beat the previous record of 59 megajoules of heat. , introduced by the same facility in 2022.

If fusion power is shown to be viable at scale, future reactors could power a green energy revolution. One kilogram of fusion fuel contains about 10m times more energy than a kilogram of coal, oil or gas, and fusion reactions do not release greenhouse gases.

The JET facility is being decommissioned in a 17-year process. Photo: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

The JET facility ended its scientific work in December. It will now be decommissioned in a 17-year process that researchers will document in painstaking detail to inform the building and dismantling of fusion reactors in the decades ahead. More than 300 scientists and engineers from a consortium called EUROfusion contributed to the experiments.

Prof Ian Chapman, Chief Executive of the UK Atomic Energy Authority, said: “JET worked as close to power station conditions as possible with today’s facilities and its legacy will be pervasive in all future power stations. It has a critical role to play in bringing us closer to a secure and sustainable future.”

The reactor at the Culham Center for Fusion Energy is known as a tokamak, a structure that uses powerful magnetic fields to confine plasmas, or highly ionized gases, into a donut shape. The gases are heated to 150m celsius, about 10 times hotter than the center of the sun.

Nuclear fusion explained

The extreme conditions in the tokamak drive fusion reactions in which atomic nuclei bond together to form new elements, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process. Stars are powered by the same reactions, but do not require such high temperatures as their gravity is strong enough to do some of the work.

Experiments at JET investigated the feasibility of using two isotopes of hydrogen, known as deuterium and tritium, as fuel. In fusion reactions, the two combine to produce helium gas. The record-breaking pulse of energy, announced Thursday, is encouraging for Iter, a larger fusion project being built in southern France. This reactor aims to start burning fusion fuel in 2035 with the aim of generating more energy which is used to heat the plasma.

Andrew Bowie, the minister for nuclear power and networks, said: “JET’s final fusion experiment is a fitting swansong after all the ground-breaking work that has gone into the project since 1983. We are closer to fusion energy than ever before.”

The reactor uses powerful magnetic fields to confine plasmas in a donut shape. Photo: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

If the next generation of experimental fusion facilities, such as Iter, prove that the technology is viable at scale, researchers plan to build a European demonstration plant that generates more power than it uses.

Dr Aneeqa Khan, a research fellow in nuclear fusion at the University of Manchester, said: “These results are really exciting for the fusion community and a wonderful end to the operations of JET which has provided the scientific community with really valuable data over its lifetime ., enter the designs for new projects.

“However, to put it in the context of commercial fusion, there was still no net energy produced.”

She added: “This is a great scientific result, but we are still a way from commercial merger. We need to train a large number of people with the skills to work in the field and I hope the technology will eventually used for half of the century.”

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