September 16, 2024

Over the past four years, you could be forgiven for thinking there has been a flood of women excelling in the field of science.

We saw half a dozen women gathered Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine, physics and chemistry. Their staggering achievements range from Katalin Kariko‘s contribution to the development of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 Andrea Ghezsay co-discovery from a supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

In 2020 we witnessed the first science Nobel Prize won by two women alone – without sharing the honor with a man – after Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier a revolution in the study of genetics with the development of Crispr genome editing, which raises hope for the treatment of many diseases.

So what’s going on? Is there a change in attitudes towards women in science?

While the public celebration of women reaching the pinnacle of their scientific careers certainly encourages girls in school, it is all too easy to overlook the persistent barriers to entry into the profession. For every woman who manages to defy gender stereotypes and pursue a career in science, thousands do not, because they are discouraged by teachers or parents, lack of self-confidence to take the first step, or is denied adequate health care and reproductive rights.

We now have a International Day of Women and Girls in Science which serves as a reminder that there is still much work to be done to correct the gender imbalance and provide opportunities for all who wish to pursue a scientific career. After all, UN International Days are not just celebrations but are meant to raise awareness about “issues of concern“.

From 2023, women were responsible only 35% of all graduates in Tribal related fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), while only 12% of members in national science academies are women, according to the UN. Marginalized women and girls – including indigenous women and those of African descent, women with disabilities, those living in rural areas and those who identify as LGBTQ+ – face even greater barriers to access.

And then there are the socio-economic barriers which forces many people – regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation – to drop out simply because they cannot afford to continue their studies or do not have access to healthcare.

Advancing female education – not just in science – depends on investing in health. More than 500 million women and girls worldwide do not have access to safe menstrual care, resulting in them missing days at school and work. When half the population can’t show up, they can’t participate as agents of change. It has an impact on the whole society and undermines a gender inclusive transition to a net zero future.

In the absence of a level playing field, women and girls are left to overcome the odds. And this is where role models can be an important source of inspiration.

Me own experience is living proof to girls that dreaming big can take you a long way. With the encouragement of my parents, I managed to chart a course that took me from a childhood in Rwanda to living on three continents, to a doctorate in molecular genetics and a professorship at McGill University in Canada, a successful career in the private sector, boardrooms around the world, and now at the top of a leading research organization.

Last year, I became the first African female leader of a CGIAR research center when I started as CEO of the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry. When Yvonne Pinto take the leadership of the International Rice Research Institute in April later this year, it will be the first time in more than 50 years that two African women will lead institutions in the CGIAR worldwide. research partnership.

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With Ismahane Elouafi and Lindiwe Majele Sibanda who also now leads the board and senior management, will be part of a growing community of African women leading at the interface of food systems, climate and biodiversity conservation. Now we have seats at the leader’s table, there is no limit to what we can collectively achieve.

Marie Maynard Dalythe first African-American woman to earn a doctorate in chemistry in the US, in 1947, said, “My parents didn’t discourage me because I was a woman.”

Like Daly, I was fortunate to have parents who not only did not discourage me, but believed in me and pushed me to excel. The confidence and drive they gave me was critical to overcoming obstacles in my life. The encouragement of mentors, coaches and champions was also key to my career progression. Every girl and woman deserves the same supportive environment at home, at school and in the workplace.

So, to the women and girls who dream of a career in science, I say: dream big. Dare to try. Be audacious. Dream so big, some will ask, “How dare you?” You may not win a Nobel Prize, but you will follow your true passion. And it is the most important ingredient for a fulfilling life of purpose.

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