September 19, 2024

James Timpson makes a powerful case for seeing his employees as “valuable people, not expendable units of production”, by asking them to follow only two rules: put the money in the register and look the part (Journal, March 5). I was reminded of the customer service-focused Nordstrom stores in the US, whose employee mantra is: “One rule: use good judgment in all situations.” Simple and effective.
Ian Barclay
Angmering, West Sussex

So the science minister, Michelle Donelan, accuses academics she disagrees with of sharing extremist views, gets sued for defamation, and then we taxpayers cover the cost of the damages she pays them (Report, 5 March)? Hardly a discouragement, is it?
Pam Stanier
Malvern, Worcestershire

After a recent routine heart consultation, I asked my doctor for advice on reducing my expanding waistline. I expected information about nutrition, diet sheets, exercise protocols or even medical interventions. What I got instead was a steady stare and the words, “Eat less, move more.”
Stuart Harrington
Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

As a former physics teacher, I was delighted to see the correct use of the SI unit of force in Marina Hyde’s reference to Geri Halliwell’s “1,000-newton jaw clamp” (It’s the Christian Horner paradox: F1 is awfully dull now, but the drama has never been better 5 March).
Geoff Court
Gilmorton, Leicestershire

“I can’t think of anything the BBC does these days that isn’t done at least as well, if not better, by others,” writes Roderick Stewart (Letters, March 4). With respect, he appears to have overlooked the treasure trove that is Radio 4.
Prof Estella Baker

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