September 16, 2024

Earlier today I set these puzzles by Lewis Carroll, who as well as writing books like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderlandwas also a prolific puzzle setter.

1. The Chelsea Pensioners

If 70 percent lost an eye, 75 percent an ear, 80 percent an arm, 85 percent a leg: what percentage, at leastshould have lost all four.

Solution 10

This was how Carroll solved it: “If we add up the wounds, we get 70 + 75 + 80 + 85 = 310, among 100 men; which gives 3 to each, and 4 to 10 men. Therefore, the least percentage is 10.” That’s not how I solved it, but each to his own!

2. Apples appear

Dream of apples on a wall,
And dream often, dear,
I dreamed it, if I counted everything
– How many will appear?

Solution Ten

Okay, so this was a bit of a trick one. Often = of ten.

3. Russian boys

A Russian had three sons. The first was named Rab and became a lawyer. The second was named Ymra and became a soldier. The third son became a sailor. What was his name?

Solution Ivan

This is my favorite. Rab is “bar” reversed, and that’s where lawyers work. Ymra is “army” reversed, and that’s where soldiers work. And “Yvan” conversely is where sailors work.

4. Word manners

a) Find a bird with the letters ‘gp’ as its nucleus.

b) Find a fruit with the letters ’emo’ as its core.

Solution a) magpie, b) lemon

5. Doubles

Also known as a “word ladder”, the doublet is a now famous puzzle invented by Carroll. You are given two words, and you have to get from one to the other in a sequence of words that only differ in one letter. So to get from HEAD to TAIL you can proceed HEAD, HEAL, TEAL, TELL, TALL, TAIL

a) Prove RAVEN as MISER (3 links)

b) Change OAT to RYE (3)

c) Develop MAN from APE (5)

d) Place BEANS on RACK (7)


a) RAVEN torn riser MISER

b) OATS rotted rye RYE

c) APE is ere err about mar MAN

d) BONE beams seams shams shame shale will shell RAK

I hope you enjoyed the puzzles, I’ll be back in two weeks.

All today’s puzzles are taken from Lewis Carroll’s Guide for Insomniacsa book of Carrollian miscellany compiled by superfan Gyles Brandreth.

You can buy the book at the Guardian bookshopor at other online sellers.

I’ve been doing a puzzle here on alternate Mondays since 2015. I’m always on the lookout for great puzzles. If you want to suggest one, email me.

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